Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Preliminary observations

Passing the bar seems easy. And talking about that is boring, so no more progress updates until I actually take the damn thing.

The hair is still a work in progress. I'm still cutting. As one should expect, the hardest part is the back, since I can't see it. What I do is I set the medicine cabinet mirror at about a 30 degree angle and I use it against the main mirror to see the back of my head. It's not an exact science, but it's working so far. If I can't make a good fix within the next day or two, I will definitely bite the bullet and pay some self-described professional to fix it for me.

As for the weight gain. I checked in at 177 in my preliminary weigh in. That's about seven pounds more than I expect to weigh. Still, I'm going to stay with the 25 lb goal, which would make 202 the target. Yesterday I had my morning shake (a banana, two handfuls of strawberries, 3 eggs, protein powder, and a glass of milk), a roast beef sandwich for lunch, two tuna sandwiches for a late afternoon snack and cashew chicken fwith rice rom Madam Lu's for dinner. I went to bed satiated, but woke up starving, which is a good sign, because it means my back workout yesterday was a success.

Speaking of which, my lower lats are sore as shit right now. I have fallen off quite a bit. At my peak, I could do 30 pull-ups over 3 sets (usually 15, 10, 5) in 3 minutes. Yesterday I could only manage 13 pull-ups (9, 4) over two sets. I then did 6 sets on a lat pulldown machine; then went to a bent over dumbell row (4 more sets); then 4 sets on an upper back machine; then 4 sets on a lower back machine. The entire workout took about 40 minutes and I left sore but not at all winded.

When I woke up my back felt a little sore, but has gotten progressively more sore throughout the day. I did shoulders today, which entailed 4 supersets of lateral raises and dumbell flies. I then did a shoulder press machine and finished with Arnold presses. The entire workout was about 30-35 minutes, but I had to get the fuck out because it was crowding with old men with sweaty, stinky balls.

As for food today: I had another shake, another roast beef sandwich, and another tuna sandwich so far. I will have at least a fish dinner and a turkey late dinner to round out the day. As a preliminary goal, I hope to be between 180-182 by Saturday, with 2 more workouts in between.

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